School Calendar


Date Events & Activities
7 Magh, School Reopens / Boarders Report to School (7:00 AM - 8:00 AM) / Breifing on Theme of the Month in the Assembly by the Coordinators / Teachers
8-15 Magh, Sciece & Technology Week / Arts & Crafts Week.
13 Magh, Breifing on World Leprosy Day / World Customs Day in the Assembly.
14 Magh, Monthly Award Distribution.
15 Magh, 2081 Breifing on Martyr's and Sonam Lhosar in the Assembly.
16 Magh, Result Distribution of Third Term Examination (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) / Sciene & Technology / Arts & Crafts Exhibtion.
20 Magh, Thid Term Exam Review Classes.
21 Magh, Saraswati Pooja Celebration / Akshararambha for Beginners.
22 Magh, Book Talk (VI-X) / Story Telling Competition (I-V) / Text Reading Competition (Kg) / Breifing on World Cancer Day in the Assembly.
29 Magh, Release of Monthly Wall Magazine - Main / House (Poush & Magh Issue).


Date Holiday
1 Magh, Maghi Parva.
1-6 Magh, Winter Vacation.
16 Magh, Martyr's Day.
17 Magh, Sonam Lhosar / Tamang Lhosar.