

Riviera Some Glimpses

Unique Educational Setting challenging students' potentialities.

Diverse Educational Programs including Learners' Centered and Value Based Education System.

Montessori Based Teaching-Learning for Kindergarten.

Sound Professionals and Teachers.

Selected and Comprehensive Curriculum making students leading in competitive settings.

Wide Space for Sports and other Recreational Activities.

Basketball, Table Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Music, Dance Classes from National Level Instructors.

Audio Visual, Arts and Crafts, Meditation & Yoga Classes.

Club Activities under Eco Club, Literary Club, Social Club, Sports Club, Drama Club etc.

Social Service Activities under Scouts and Junior Red Cross Circle.

Well Equipped Science Lab, Computer Lab and Resourceful Library.

Sound and Safe Hostel Facilities.

Transportation Facilities.

Regular School Health Program including Special Health Education and Health Check Up.

International Resource Persons teaching students and providing regular training for teachers.

International Networking with Foreign Schools and Students Exchange Programs.

Regular Counselling from a trained and experienced counsellor.

Guest Lectures from reputed academicians, intellectuals and distinguished persons at times

Special English Conversation Classes from Native English Volunteers.

Various Interactions, Group Discussions and Participatory Programs.

Educational Excursions and Research Based Project Works at times.

Scholarship and Freeship facilities available for meritorious and needy students.

Free Internet Access.

Remedial Classes for needy students.

School Cafeteria with hygienic, healthy, balanced food service even for non-hostel students.

Well established feedback mechanism to the presents on their children's performance.